This article will show you how to create Etsy Listing Settings within ChannelUnity.
To start, you will need to be logged into your ChannelUnity account.
First click on: Setup > Listing Settings > Create New Listing Settings.
This will then bring you to a screen that looks like below. Using the “Please select your marketplace” drop down, select the Etsy account you wish to create the listing settings for. Click “Continue”.
This area of set up is split into two different sections, Required Fields and Optional Fields. Both of which are broken down into various subcategories. We will look at Required Fields first.
Required Fields
The first subcategory of Required Fields is the “Listing” section, which looks like this:
Title: Input the name you wish to use for your Etsy Listing Setting. This is for your reference only.
Who made this Product?: Specify the maker of the product. Please note, you must select either “I did” or “Collective effort” for Etsy to accept the listings.
What is this Listing: Specify whether the product is a complete product, or supplies or tools to create other products.
When did you make it?: When the product was manufactured.
Draft Listing: Checking this option will save the Listing as a draft, and not publish it for sale.
Shipping Origin: Specify the country from which the product is shipped.
Processing time: Specify how long the product will take to be shipped once it is purchased.
Domestic Shipping Cost: The price of shipping from the “Shipping Origin” entered above. The second box is for the price of shipping additional items.
Use Shipping Template: CU will create its own Shipping Template in your Etsy account once connected by default. If you already have a Shipping Template set up in your Etsy account, enter the template ID number here. (How to find your Shipping Template ID ).
Use Return Policy: To specify which return policy you’d like to use for that listing setting you can enter the ID number here. (How to find Etsy returns policy ID).
International Shipping
Here is where you can enter the Shipping costs for International rates (outside the country of origin). You are able to set which countries to ship to, or which to exclude.
Optional Fields
Price Percentage Inflation: You may decide you need to inflate your own prices, for example to cover marketplace fees. If so, enter the percentage value here as just the number, without the percentage value.
Price Amount Inflation: Similar to percentage, but this will add a flat amount to the price. This is done after currency conversion and percentage inflation. Therefore, this should be added in the marketplace currency. Again, just the number value, no need for currency symbol
Read Price from Field: If you wish the base price to be different from the listing, please enter your store field that contains the price value here.
Price Units: If using the ‘Read price from field’ setting, you will need to enter the currency here
Stop Sell Limit: Enter a value here and ChannelUnity will remove items using this listing settings template when stock drops below this level. This can be useful for popular items which may sell out quickly.
Projected Stock Level: Some items may not need to be inventory managed as they are high supply or made-to-order however stock levels are always needed by marketplaces. Enter a value here if you wish to send a projected stock level.
Once you’ve completed all these settings, click the green “Save” button and apply the Listing Setting to your products.