Please note this is only relevant for Bigcommerce orders
You may receive an email that an order could not be sent to cart, and upon checking out the order in the Orders tab of ChannelUnity (Click on the (i) icon to view details of the order), you see the below error message:
The majority of the time the SKU will in fact be out of stock, but sometimes it’s in stock and the order should have imported successfully.
The main factor preventing the order from importing is due to previously deleted SKUs with the same option values as that of the SKU in the order.
Bigcommerce retains old data and is looking up the stock on the deleted SKU instead of the real stock value.
The solution is to open a case with Bigcommerce and request them to “Sweep your database for orphaned SKUs and purge them”.
Bigcommerce could take a few days to action this, so there is a short term solution:
Edit the affected SKU in Bigcommerce, then in the Inventory tab select the option of “Do not track inventory for this product”.
Go back to ChannelUnity, locate the order in the Orders tab, and choose ‘Retry sending to cart’.
The order should reach Bigcommerce within 10 minutes or so, at which point you can change the inventory tracking of the product back again.