Shipping your orders via Magento
ChannelUnity allows you to mark your marketplace orders (i.e. Amazon orders) which have been imported into Magento, as shipped, and ChannelUnity will automatically mark the order as shipped on the corresponding marketplace. More specifically the process is as follows:
1. Customer orders an item from you via Amazon*
2. The order is imported into your ChannelUnity account and is visible in your ChannelUnity account
3. After a couple of minutes this order is sent to your Magento installation into your selected Magento store view
4. When you are ready to ship the order, open the order in Magento, and click the Ship button. Fill in any necessary tracking information then click Submit Shipment in Magento
5. ChannelUnity receives your shipment notification and forwards the message onto the Amazon channel
*This isn’t necessarily an Amazon order, it is whichever marketplace your customer is shopping on.
What you should be aware of
* ChannelUnity batches together order shipment notifications before sending them to the marketplace channel, therefore it can be up to 30 minutes before your orders are reflected as shipped on the marketplace channel.