
A list of all eBay related articles

eBay Error: “Parent Product Must First be Listed”

Problem: You have sent products to eBay and they have gone into Fix Required. The accompanying error message says “Parent product must first be listed”.   Solution: You need to list a parent product in order to also list the child items. Only child items get this error in ChannelUnity. Locate the parent for the […]

Link to Existing Listings – eBay

ChannelUnity can  scan your eBay account for live products and match them to items in your online store. This will result in the following: Items will move into either Not Listed or Listed in ChannelUnity, depending on whether they’re live on eBay. ChannelUnity will be able to send stock, price and product data updates to […]

Deleting and Disconnecting Products from a Marketplace

If you wish to remove your products from a marketplace, this can be done through ChannelUnity as long as the listing is linked (either in the “Listed” or “Fix Required” sections). For eBay, there is also an additional step. Please scroll down the page to the Deleting Products from eBay section for an explanation. To […]

eBay Listing Limits

With an eBay account, you will have some form of ‘Listing Limit’ imposed by eBay which restricts how many active listings you may have. This may be overall for the account as a whole, or can be for within a category, or even limitations on a single item. The limit can come in the form […]

eBay Listing Settings

This article will show you how to create eBay Listing Settings within ChannelUnity. To start, log in to your ChannelUnity account. Click on: Setup > Listing Settings > Create New Listing Settings. Select your marketplace using the drop-down and choose the eBay account you wish to create the listing settings for – in this example […]

eBay Listing Themes

Listing Themes are product page templates which can be used to layout a page on the marketplace to describe your product (primarily for eBay). This article describes the various features provided in Listing Themes. How to create a listing theme In your ChannelUnity account click on Setup > Listing Themes. You can create a theme […]

If you want to sell on marketplaces but don't yet have an online store, Synchromatic is the solution for you.
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