Developer API – Account and User Management
This call returns your API Key and a list of users and subscriptions for the merchant account.
<ChannelUnity> <MerchantName>mymerchant</MerchantName> <Authorization>ZWdp......=</Authorization> <RequestType>ValidateUser</RequestType> </ChannelUnity>
<ChannelUnity> <Status>OK</Status> <MerchantName>mymerchant</MerchantName> <ApiKey>361426524563637373</ApiKey> <DatabaseLocation></DatabaseLocation> <CreatedDate>2012-08-06 15:40:03</CreatedDate> <VersionId></VersionId> <SubscriptionId>8503</SubscriptionId> <Users> <User> <UserName>egis01</UserName> <Name><![CDATA[Egidijus Egidijus]]></Name> <Company><![CDATA[egis01]]></Company> <MobileNumber>0</MobileNumber> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <Country></Country> </User> <!-- User element repeated for each user --> </Users> <Subscriptions> <Subscription> <DateAdded>2011-10-22 09:32:08</DateAdded> <ServiceSku>CU_AMZ_UK</ServiceSku> <SettingsLinkId>107</SettingsLinkId> <ChannelName>My Amazon store</ChannelName> <TrialExpiryWarned></TrialExpiryWarned> <ServiceStatus>Paid until 24 Dec 2013</ServiceStatus> <ServiceStatusInd>2</ServiceStatusInd> <PaidTo>2013-12-24</PaidTo> </Subscription> <!-- Subscription element repeated for each subscription --> </Subscriptions> </ChannelUnity>
The ApiKey element is an alphanumeric value to be passed to all other API calls. This is a value unique to the current merchant account.
DatabaseLocation indicates the server in the ChannelUnity system where this account is stored.
CreatedDate is the date this ChannelUnity account was created (in GMT timezone).
VersionId is for informational purposes only.
SubscriptionId is a numerical value and is for informational purposes only.
The Users element describes all the user logins for the current merchant account. There is always at least one user. Extra users can be created in the ChannelUnity interface at
The subscriptions each return a ServiceSku element. This identifies the type of channel that the subscription refers to. Please see Appendix for the possible values. The key value of interest is the SettingsLinkId value. This identifies the marketplace/channel for other API calls. You will pass this value when identifying a channel to calls such as SelectToList.
The other values are used for internal purposes and don’t need to be stored.